Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I was reviewing my turbo stats for the year today and I found something interesting. I've played exactly 300 @ $6.50, 300 @ $12, and now 302 @ $24.

Since my games played at each level are identical I thought I would do a side by side comparison of my finish positions.

As you can see $6.50 was good, $12 was excellent, and $24 has been a bit of a struggle. I'm currently on my 3rd attempt of the year taking on the $24 SNG's and this time it's been going better. I still have work to do but since I'm currently only playing 4 a day it takes a long time to see if your really improving. Below is the chart for my last 50.

I've become profitable but the third place finishes are very much out of whack right now. The players are a bit more patient at this level so it takes longer to get short handed. I should probably start shifting gears a little earlier than I'm used to.