Thursday, May 20, 2004

A Night Off...Sort Of

I didn't play any serious poker last night. The Wife and I watched a couple of back episodes of 24. With only about an hour left before nighty-nigh time I decided to play at Aztec and work off some of the 250 hands needed foe the chip set. I saw 156 hands. I played two tables of .50/1 at the same time and received much of the same results as I used to. A little better than before since I was just going to try ABC poker and not make any plays. I finished up around $13 on one table and down $1.50 on the other. I had a slightly loss earlier in the day yesterday when I played for about 1/2 an hour after downloading the software. Overall I'm up $8.99 over the deposit bonus. Pretty good results and I can't complain about anything.. Tonight I'll get back to the grind and shoot for some more profit. See ya at the tables.